Nikki Dasos has had poetry published in Unsaid, Diagram, Gobbet, Juked, Requited, The Collagist, Vestiges, and the Atticus Review. Her previous roles include contributing editor at Territory, fiction reader at Guernica, and production editor at Numéro Cinq.


(under previous pen name, Nic Leigh)

“Bibliography,” Juked

“Confidence (demo),” Atticus Review

“Myositis,” Unsaid

“Philip Guston” and “Hagop Sandaldjian,” Gobbet

“Relief: 1, Fear: 0,” Diagram 

Three Poems, Requited 

Three Poems, Vestiges

Tom Hawkins,” Gobbet

“Will-of-the-Torch,” The Collagist 

Interview with The Collagist